Consider advertising in Symphony North of Houston’s concert programs. Our concert programs are printed and produced with the highest quality graphics and printing standards available. You will be proud to see your business advertised with these same high standards. For example, here are a few of the front covers from recent concerts.
Concert Program Front Page Examples

5 Concert Bundle Pricing
Size, Location | Color or B/W | Height | Width | 5 Concerts |
Full page, outside back cover | Color | 8″ | 5″ | *$750 |
Full page, inside front or back cover | Color | 7-1/4″ | 4-1/2″ | *$625 |
Full page, interior | B/W | 7-1/4″ | 4-1/2″ | $500 |
Half page, interior | B/W | 3-1/2″ | 4-1/2″ | $250 |
Quarter page (vertical business card), interior | B/W | 3-1/2″ | 2-1/8″ | $125 |
Ad Placement Examples
The following images are examples of recent advertisements respective to their size and location.

Place Your Ad
To place a full-page color ad, please call 281-803-9127 for availability since there is limited ad space for one of these placements.
To order your ad, select one of the Pay buttons below. Upon completion, please forward your camera-ready artwork to . Thank you for considering Symphony North of Houston as one of your sources for advertisement.